April Wednesdays

"It Never rains in Southern California; maybe we should move there..."

It's an important time of year. I hope everyone will take the initiative to get out there and let

our voices be heard once again!..This election, though not the primary, is critical to the continued forward moving and thinking of our current political leaders. We want and need to keep moving forward. Casting our votes in this election will help do just that. We have a dynamic leader in our President, and with the help and support of our local leaders, he has made significant progress in various areas of health and well-being for all people. He has done a tremendous job in the short time he has been in office - and let us be ever mindful that in order to continue the forward progression, we must support our local leaders and they will continue to uphold our President and share with him the thoughts and desires of the people. We must encourage our leadership - local and national. Let's VOTE!!


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